Webiste Updates

Hi friends!

I hope you’re having a fantastic summer! I just wanted to sit down and give a quick update: It feels like I’ve been running at break-neck speed to catch up on projects and work on my yearly goals, one of which is to launch my first group zine project. I’m so excited XD
I also just went through and caught up with updating the website galleries. If you haven’t seen it yet, I also updated the events page and projects to keep up with a lot of the things I may be working on but can’t show yet (like sketch card sets)

It seems unreal that school/fall starts for use next month. My little one is going to Pre-K and it’s so bittersweet. I’m a proud mama, but I also might be the one they hand a box of tissues to the first day, not gonna lie.

I hope you all are well out there, and that you make today great!


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